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 The Hollywood Reporter interviews Stana Katic

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Uniform Cop
Uniform Cop

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The Hollywood Reporter interviews Stana Katic Empty
PostSubject: The Hollywood Reporter interviews Stana Katic   The Hollywood Reporter interviews Stana Katic Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 5:33 pm

In a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Stana (Kate Beckett) said this...

Quote :
THR: Do you think that the moment when the two do come together, that will be near the end of the series?

Katic: No, and I stand on that side of the line because I know a lot of people feel that that ruins all the tension. I know people who get together, it takes a while for them to figure it out. There's something always interesting happening then. It's not the series ender. The point isn't to prolong tension, it should be to follow where the characters and the story leads. Let it be a natural progression.

I Love her even more now...
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Uniform Cop
Uniform Cop

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Join date : 2011-05-25

The Hollywood Reporter interviews Stana Katic Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Hollywood Reporter interviews Stana Katic   The Hollywood Reporter interviews Stana Katic Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 5:46 pm

Quote :
THR: Beckett seems to be taking more time for herself, instead of consuming herself with her work.

Katic: This is that season where she says, "I've defined my life by this experience and I haven't actually lived my own life and let go." We'll see more of that as we move on.

I love this.... It is what I was expecting. Beckett has been defined by her mother's death, and up to now it is what drives her. I believe Marlowe intends for this season to be transformative for Beckett. She is realizing that she needs to live for herself and not just to avenge her mother. As this season moves forward, her internal conflict should intensify. Will she choose to live for herself and to love the man she wants or continue in the path to avenge her mother. I believe that by the end of this season, Beckett will choose the former. When she does this, she will be surprised that by choosing the former she will also find a partner that will help her achieve the latter.
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The Hollywood Reporter interviews Stana Katic
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