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 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews

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4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Empty
PostSubject: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 4:02 am

Here's one that popped up:

One of the interesting questions the reviewer asks is does it seem that Gates has been taking a more active role in cases than Montgomery ever did? 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews 2338758748

I think she has, and it's an interesting new twist. When she first came on the scene it appeared that all that mattered to her was politics and climbing the ladder. seems to me she's becoming more complicated - a real Castle character. Wink

There's more interesting questions, so don't forget to check out the article! happy

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4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 4:21 am

Here's In it, Matt picks out some of his favorite lines. Don't know how he managed to keep it to one page! Very Happy
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4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 1:17 pm

Here are the preliminary numbers for Cuffed from Spoiler TV: in the 18-49 demo they did 5.9 million with 10 million in over-all viewers. However, this week they came in second to H5O. Cavet: they had to build an audience after the Low-rated new game show, "You Deserve It (Which IMO, is a good idea, but the GAME itself needs tweeking.) They improved on their "lead-in" by 136%. cheers

It seems to me that ALOT of 18-49 folks were watching TV last night because just about everyone's demo was waaay up. Still, a 5.9 is probably the highest in that demo for Castle. happy

Want to see exactly how Castle fared against the other shows? Check out the charts at

(Remember, these are the preliminary numbers. The final tallies will be later in the day.)
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4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 1:57 pm

Tvfanatic wrote:

We were finally treated to a new episode tonight before our favorite detective show goes back on hiatus for the remainder of the year. Fortunately, the installment did not disappoint. "Cuffed" featured our leads attached at the hip and, even if it was a bit far fetched, it was pretty amazing.
Read the rest of the review at:

Also, don't forget to check out the comments as fans weight in on things like: is "farfetched" a bad thing? What about the Caskett moments? 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews 2338758748
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PostSubject: Re: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 6:47 pm

This one is FUN! It's the 30 best lines from Cuffed - complete with pictures AND if you want to comment, it's set for the individual lines! Very Happy

This pictorial review is brought to you by:

ENJOY! cool
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PostSubject: Re: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 6:57 pm

I think really got the fun side of this episode! (Yes, I said fun. Razz I LIKE fun episodes, I just don't think EVERY episode needs to be that way. Rolling Eyes In fact, if they were I wouldn't be such a Castle fan. I think the way they mix it up is one of the best things about the show. 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews 1357399748 )
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Uniform Cop
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4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Empty
PostSubject: TV Guide Canda on Cuffed   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 6:55 pm

Here is a quote I pulled from the article:

Quote :
As the two argued early on and challenged each other as they have become so very good at over the years, they actually touched on some rather deep elements of their relationship. Beckett mocked Castle’s way of coping with difficult situations by joking his way out of them while Castle called Beckett out on always having to be in control of everything. This led up to one of the best comedic moments of the episode when Beckett, attempting to concede and compromise, told Castle to go ahead and take the lead. He stopped and thought for a second before looking back at her and asking, “Where did you want to go?” While hilariously written and performed, this scene was also much deeper than that, a true metaphor for what has prevented them from having the relationship they both so clearly desire with one another. Beckett always seems to be the one in charge, the one who holds all of the cards and power, yet whenever she has given Castle the opportunity to step up and take the lead, he has found himself unprepared and unable to take that step forward either
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4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 10:34 pm

dstorm wrote:

Here is a quote I pulled from the article:

Quote :
As the two argued early on and challenged each other as they have become so very good at over the years, they actually touched on some rather deep elements of their relationship. Beckett mocked Castle’s way of coping with difficult situations by joking his way out of them while Castle called Beckett out on always having to be in control of everything. This led up to one of the best comedic moments of the episode when Beckett, attempting to concede and compromise, told Castle to go ahead and take the lead. He stopped and thought for a second before looking back at her and asking, “Where did you want to go?” While hilariously written and performed, this scene was also much deeper than that, a true metaphor for what has prevented them from having the relationship they both so clearly desire with one another. Beckett always seems to be the one in charge, the one who holds all of the cards and power, yet whenever she has given Castle the opportunity to step up and take the lead, he has found himself unprepared and unable to take that step forward either

Excellent quote. One that could a person killed on twitter... 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews 1068877824 The fact is Rick is a type B personality and Kate is type A.
However, I read the message of it alittle differently. Beckett let go of control, and Rick still ends up doing what she wants. IT MAKES IT SAFE for Beckett to let go of control with Rick. Rick is on HER side. Giving him the opportunity to "lead," to treat her like a lady sometimes, isn't gonna hurt her. And Castle needs to remember that Beckett IS the cop. She takes the lead because, as she said "she has the the gun." She's NOT being bossy just to be bossy.

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4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 11:27 pm

As the two argued early on and challenged each other as they have become so very good at over the years, they actually touched on some rather deep elements of their relationship. Beckett mocked Castle’s way of coping with difficult situations by joking his way out of them while Castle called Beckett out on always having to be in control of everything. This led up to one of the best comedic moments of the episode when Beckett, attempting to concede and compromise, told Castle to go ahead and take the lead. He stopped and thought for a second before looking back at her and asking, “Where did you want to go?” While hilariously written and performed, this scene was also much deeper than that, a true metaphor for what has prevented them from having the relationship they both so clearly desire with one another. Beckett always seems to be the one in charge, the one who holds all of the cards and power, yet whenever she has given Castle the opportunity to step up and take the lead, he has found himself unprepared and unable to take that step forward either

Except we've been over all of this before a dozen tomes (Most recently in "To love and Die" from S 3). Theoretically Castle is so deeply, dotingly infatuated with Beckett that even when she gives him an the lead he will do whatever she wants. And as for Beckett, while she wants Castle to be with her, the moment she is certain that he is at her every beck and call she will drag him behind her without so much as a look back. That's all well and good for comic moments, but if Castle were really in love with Beckett he would take any chance he got to bring himself closer to her (see Knockout), and if Beckett were really in love with him, then when he passed the initiative back over to her she would take a (metaphorical) step toward him, rather than dragging him around at arm's length (metaphorically and literally). Instead we get the same old situation described above; great for quirky comedy and stringing the show along, but thin on substance and reasons to invest.
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PostSubject: Re: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeFri Dec 09, 2011 4:42 am

@tolkeinite - I'm gonna have to disagree that it's the same thing as always. Mainly because of the context of what's gone before it. The fight between Kate and Rick in Knockout, the conversation that they had on the swing in RISE, Kate's reaction to "a writer and his
muse at the elevation in Hereos & Villians, and again in Cops and Robbers, her realization at the end of Killshot, they ALL have been about a journey of core change in Kate. Kate of season 1 or 2, would have argued more with Rick about why she should lead and launched into him about being a rich, arrogant, pain-in-the-ass who makes her job harder. She would have definitely said a version of, "I told you so."

As for Rick using that time to make a move on Kate...I'm actually glad they didn't go there. I think the focus was on them getting the hell out of their situation. I think Castle knows that sometimes he really does have to focus. However, they both joked a bit at different times about the sexual stuff - like his direct comment about her legs.

I think with Castle the relationship stuff really is a steady build. However, I also think that they are at the point that if they try adding another block to the relationship they whole thing will crash.
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PostSubject: Re: 4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews   4.10 "CUFFED" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitime

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