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 Castle's coming to Paley Fest!

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Join date : 2011-04-29
Location : NYC

Castle's coming to Paley Fest! Empty
PostSubject: Castle's coming to Paley Fest!   Castle's coming to Paley Fest! Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2012 1:29 am

Via Paley Fest has invited Castle to be one of its panels!

I am SUPER excited about this because while things like ComicCon are fun and fab, Paleyfest is really more for people involved in the bussiness or whom study the importance of media in society, and they invite shows that they think are some of the best, most creative and interesting things on tv.

This is part of the Paley Center's mission statement:
(from )
Quote :
The Paley Center for Media, with locations in New York and Los Angeles, leads the discussion about the cultural, creative, and social significance of television, radio, and emerging platforms for the professional community and media-interested public. Drawing upon its curatorial expertise, an international collection, and close relationships with the leaders of the media community, the Paley Center examines the intersections between media and society. The general public can access the collection and participate in programs that explore and celebrate the creativity, the innovations, the personalities, and the leaders who are shaping media.
Finally! Some recognition that Castle really IS a unique and creative show! happy Now, I'm not sayin' it's going to lead to an Emmy nomination (which would be fabulous) but it WILL at least give Castle more industry visibility as a show to at least go take a look at! happy

The festival starts in March. For more info on all the shows joining Castle, exact dates, and tickets (if you live in Los Angeles or feel like flying in Very Happy) Please check out
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