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Posts : 298 Join date : 2011-05-25
| Subject: The collapse of Primetime TV Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:44 pm | |
| http://www.thetvaddict.com/2012/02/23/the-collapse-of-primetime-television-where-are-television-shows-going-wrong/Quote: Appointment television is a thing of the past. As we have speculated previously in the article “Our Television Pie Theory: An Analysis of Available Viewers and How We View Competition on Television” – viewers just aren’t bothering with “live” TV. Viewers are savvy enough to know that unless they have a Nielsen box, it doesn’t matter anyway. The knowledge that no one is really tracking their personal viewing habits combined with the proliferation of DVR’s has freed viewers up to attend to their personal lives and to stop worrying about catching their favorite shows when the shows are broadcast. Instead, television shows can be recorded and watched at another time. In fact, it has never been easier to watch TV whenever and wherever you want. Exercising that freedom, viewers are less likely to tune-in and watch “live” television broadcasts anymore. Viewers are choosing to watch TV shows whenever they have time – not whenever the show is being aired. Such freedom has been previously denied to viewers and now that they have it, viewers are happily using every means possible to watch at their leisure, not when the networks demand they watch TV shows. Great article and a good read. In a way the article summarizes what we have known for a while, the future of TV is identifying a niche audience and developing a recognizable brand as a network. Shows that are able to achieve a loyal and committed audience are the wave of the future. | |