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 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews

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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews Empty
PostSubject: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 9:49 am

OKAY, just off the bat, I'm gonna say I LOVED this episode happy

That being said, I'm gonna just start posting reviews, and suggest that folks get on the comment boards. If you loved it, hated it it, orsomewhere inbetween, the response to these last few episodes will probably shape alot of what happens in early season five, so get your voice heard! happy

Last edited by Beckstle on Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 10:17 am

Gonna start out with TV Fanatic - separate from their Round Table. (Which, if you want to follow the discussion they've been having all season, is in it's own thread. It's pretty insightful.)
(Excerpts from: Castle Review: Well Done, Sherlock
April 16th, 2012 11:26 PM by Courtney Morrison)

In the words of Ethan Slaughter: “Outstanding!”

The latest episode of Castle, “Headhunters,” chased down a murder between gangs, as well as pairing Castle up with a new partner. A Firefly reunion took place and oh was it fun. Let’s discuss.

Mal & Cobb. Adam Baldwin guest starred as Detective Ethan Slaughter, a no-nonsense tough guy cop who Castle decides to shadow. Nathan Fillion and Baldwin worked together on Firefly and you could absolutely tell. The chemistry between the two friends paid off with a fun hour before we face the end of the

Leaving The Nest
Castle decided to branch out and hang with a different detective, stirring some feelings with his usual partners. Even with the bit of jealousy, Ryan and Espo still saved Castle from a bad situation. Beckett seemed to be pretty bothered by the situation, even speaking with her therapist about Rick...

What do we think about this? There are plenty of mixed feelings on the Caskett front. Some fans don’t want to deal with the relationship drama, others are dying for it. I’m on the fence.

On one hand, the writers have done an excellent job of building the friendship between the two lead characters, making the chemistry feel real and understanding the feelings between the two. On the other hand, it’s been dragging on for what seems like
forever. Castle has put himself out there and so has Beckett. If it doesn’t happen soon, I won’t expect it to happen till series end. TV Fanatics, what's your opinion on the Caskett situation?

You can read the entire article and total episode breakdown at:

Don't forget to comment! 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews 1357399748
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PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 11:03 am

Here's excerpts from Buddy TV's quick recap:
Quote :

As the season of Castle gets closer to the end, Rick Castle gets thrown a few curveballs. Or more to the point; he gets himself thrown into a frantic gang drama, adorned with three severed heads in a duffel bag and a dead kid named Glitch. Castle is saddled with rogue cop Detective Ethan Slaughter (guest star Adam Baldwin, making a Firefly reunion with Nathan Fillion!), who in one day hands Castle a gun, gets him into a bar fight with very, very bad guys, and even ticks Castle off to the point of taking a couple punches on the chin himself....

One who's not so thrilled about Castle's sudden turnaround is Detective Beckett. She feels slightly betrayed by Castle's newfound interest in playing cop, and even goes to see her therapist in complete frustration. In the midst of her own tirade, she finally realizes she might be too late in acknowledging some poorly hidden affections for Castle, and that he might have already moved on...

Read the entire article at:
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PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 2:18 pm

VIA ABC's press release posted on TvbytheNumbers:

Quote :

ABC’s Castle won the 10 o’clock hour by impressive margins in Total Viewers and key Adults (AD18-49/AD25-54) to stand as Monday’s most-watched scripted show overall. In the hour, ABC’s Castle beat out NBC’s first-run Smash by 5.4 million viewers, by a best-yet 39% in Adults 25-54 and by a best-yet 16% in Adults 18-49. In fact, Castle also qualified was Monday’s #1 drama with viewers and key Adults (AD18-49/AD25-54)....

There's alot more specifics if you wanna check - but basically CASTLE DID GOOD! 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Ratings & Reviews 1357399748 cool

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