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 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion

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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Empty
PostSubject: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 1:08 pm

Yes, there has been alot of yapping on the boards and on Twitter about this episode, both pro and con. I have to say that I feel alot of the "con" has to do with the pacing of the season and not the episode itself. Caskett-wise, what occurred in this episode was great! The pieces are fitting together so well in telling the story of this tis relationship and WHO THESE CHARACTERS are. Like, 47 seconds, the Limey, and Headhunters REALLY work well together. They work well with Rise, Heros & Villians, Headcase, Cops & Robbers, Kick The Ballistics, KillShot, Dial M for Mayor, Til Death Do Us Part, and Pandora/Lynchpin. The PROBLEM, IMO has been the need to appease the "lighter side" of Castle this season. Some of these episodes I've listed were funny AND serious. I mean Headhunters has some truly hilarious stuff! BUT, ABC, and honestly alot of holdover from seasons one and two seem to keep Marlowe having to put on the brakes this season dilute the story momentum. Yes, Once Upon a Crime was a good ep, so was the Blue Butterfly, Demons, An Embarrasment of Bitches and Cuffed were cute. However the TIMING and Placement of those eps I think just served to frustrate viewers who wanted to stay on the actual story arcs. (I won't even discuss HeartBreak Hotel & Beholder. Rolling Eyes )

So, yes, I loved this episode, and I love the general building being done in these arcs. I just wish Network TV gave shows more room to change patterns and move with a story's flow. Trying to keep Castle season four more in-line with the pattern of it's earlier seasons has been, I think, it's biggest issue.
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Little Castle

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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 2:12 pm

I agree that my biggest gripe about this season is the overall pacing. Season 3 seemed so wonderful as we got many brilliant and funny moments from both of them. This season has felt too much about Beckett's feelings and too little of Castles--until the very last half of this season anyway. And even now, I feel like we're just being drawn out and that nothing is going to happen until the series finale. Which I'm honestly not on board for waiting for that long and a million more Heartbreak Hotel and Beholder episodes in the meantime.

On another note, I think this is probably my favorite episode this season. The first 11 minutes were hilarious... some other parts were funny as well... but that bar fight? Hah. I think that is the most I've laughed all season.

This episode was nothing like I had hoped but yet I'm OK with that because of what they showed instead and even though there wasn't a significant move forward, Castle's line at the end gives me hope that next week we'll get another baby step. But anyway, I like how we've now seen just how connected Castle is to Beckett, not only personally but professionally. The 12th is where he belongs. He works best with Beckett. Beckett is his partner.

And for most of the season I was on a rant about how Castle solves nearly everything and tends to make the others just look dumb but I love how this case was solved. Castle did have the answers, but without Beckett asking the right questions... the real killer wouldn't have been caught. I think this episode *really* brought out their dynamics and shined the spotlight on how they play off each other. Together they are unstoppable. Apart, Castle just gets the crap beat out of him. I thought that was probably the best resolution since the episode where Beckett pretended to let Castle solve the case. That was several seasons ago... or last season? Maybe it was last season premier.

I even liked the episode despite my feeling that Alexis just gets in the way. I know Castle wouldn't be the same without her... that his character would be completely different or at least mostly different.. but I wish more than anything she goes to Oxford. Far far far away. ::packs her bags for her:: Wink

Did anyone else get a kick out of Castle punching Slaughter over Alexis? Which yes, he should have done it. But then felt no need to defend Beckett? Is this a guy thing? He has no right to defend Beckett since Beckett isn't "his" yet? Not that Beckett needed defending, as she can take care of herself, but I felt Castle could at least tell him to shut up. But he didn't say anything. I would have preferred Alexis be omitted from that. There was no need for it or at least I could have done without it.

And then the end scene. Too long of a convo with Alexis. I wanted him off that couch the moment his little realization struck and run to Beckett. Move out Alexis! You're in my way Razz Don't get me wrong... Molly Quinn is great. But I'm still more interested in Castle and Beckett. Or even Martha's words of wisdom concerning Beckett and Castle but that's really been lacking since the beginning of this season :/

And I thought we were going to have a straight run by the way? This every other week thing drives me loopy :/ I never remember when there's a new one.

I wrote all that then watched the end scene again and I think my initial reaction to that end line was too hopeful. That he had a realization that he needed to confront things on a personal level with Beckett. But *now* I dont think he realized anything about Beckett's feelings. Only that he needed to get over being hurt to fight for his place at the 12th and really nothing to do with their relationship. Huh? Or was my initial reaction the right one? I just bummed myself out. Maybe we're really going to continue this snails pace.

Oh well, still a good episode.
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Uniform Cop
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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 2:23 pm

I agree. It seems that Marlowe and Co. had their overall plan well in place since the start of the season as to how the story would play out, but like you said the length of the season necessitates that they drop filler episodes in between the arc. Those episode do not advance the story -- they are a detour which only serve to frustrate.

It is in the length of the season that Cable has the advantage. With a shorten season, Cable shows do not need filler episodes and thus their arcs flow and do not frustrate viewers. Comedies too are immune from the filler episode doldrums given that every comedy episode is a stand alone filler.

I had my issues with the pacing of the show at the beginning of this season, but now that I see how the story is playing out I do not. It is playing out like I wanted. The characters continue to grow and are drawn to each other. They are learning from their mistakes and are realizing that what they want is to be with the other more than anything else.

Come on.. Kate yesterday had Rick's back even though he had been a complete jackass for the past couple of weeks. Did she go off and scream at him? no. She did what she needed to do. She prove how much she actually cares for him by risking her job. Castle too learned that being hurt and feeling betrayed do not justify behaving like a jerk. He knew he had to get over his wounded pride, and to get back to the man he was just three short weeks ago.
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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 2:32 pm

I think the ending is a little of both. Castle DOES need to get over being hurt - because it's obvious to him that WHAT he's hurt about is more circumstance than anything. Standford didn't REJECT Alexis, only the timing. Kate TOLD him from the beginning that she wasn't ready to deal yet, but all of her ACTIONS, (he's come to realize) have been about LOVING HIM.) Yet, the hurt feeling still exists and he has to reconcile those two. He has to let go of his ideal of his script and look at what's actually there. In this episode he REALLY saw how Kate would DO anything for him, and has his best interest at heart - ALWAYS. She does not desert him, even when she is quiet about what she's feeling. Her love runs deep, deeper than the fluff that the women in his past have even given him. She is NOT Sophia, or Gina, or Meredith - all of whom were EXCELLENT with WORDS.

I just REALLY loved this episode!
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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 2:42 pm

@dstorm - Great take on this episode! I especially agree about the cable advantage - although they don't always take advantage of that fact! Very Happy. (Broadwalk Empire, anyone?) I think that if Castle had gone for a straighter escalation, say load the first half with the lighter stuff, fans would have had more patience. It was the jumping back and forth that was infuriating. I mean Cops & Robbers to HEARTBREAK HOTEL? Shocked Who came up with that order? 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion 3660724217

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Uniform Cop
Uniform Cop

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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 2:46 pm

fairytales wrote:

This episode was nothing like I had hoped but yet I'm OK with that because of what they showed instead and even though there wasn't a significant move forward, Castle's line at the end gives me hope that next week we'll get another baby step. But anyway, I like how we've now seen just how connected Castle is to Beckett, not only personally but professionally. The 12th is where he belongs. He works best with Beckett. Beckett is his partner.

And for most of the season I was on a rant about how Castle solves nearly everything and tends to make the others just look dumb but I love how this case was solved. Castle did have the answers, but without Beckett asking the right questions... the real killer wouldn't have been caught. I think this episode *really* brought out their dynamics and shined the spotlight on how they play off each other. Together they are unstoppable. Apart, Castle just gets the crap beat out of him. I thought that was probably the best resolution since the episode where Beckett pretended to let Castle solve the case. That was several seasons ago... or last season? Maybe it was last season premier.

4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion 2215087486 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion 2215087486

fairytales wrote:

I wrote all that then watched the end scene again and I think my initial reaction to that end line was too hopeful. That he had a realization that he needed to confront things on a personal level with Beckett. But *now* I dont think he realized anything about Beckett's feelings. Only that he needed to get over being hurt to fight for his place at the 12th and really nothing to do with their relationship. Huh? Or was my initial reaction the right one? I just bummed myself out. Maybe we're really going to continue this snails pace.

I think your initial reaction is spot on. Rick had given up on them because of his pride and was destroying the relationship they had established because of that. What he discovered yesterday is that the adult thing to do is not to let your wounded pride and feelings of betrayal stop you from going after what you really want. Beckett might not be ready in his mind, but yesterday he came back to where he was three weeks ago. He will wait for her to be ready. He believes in them once again, which is something he had lost three weeks ago, and it is this simple belief that will make the impossible possible.

My gut tells me that the title of "Undead Again" does not just refer to the Zombies. It refers to their feelings for each other. Though I expect the episode to be on the light side, I do expect them to see in their interactions how much the person does care for the other. I believe that by the end of "Undead Again" both will have resolved that they need to talk to the other to see where the other truly stands.
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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 4:00 pm

dstorm wrote:
fairytales wrote:

This episode was nothing like I had hoped but yet I'm OK with that because of what they showed instead and even though there wasn't a significant move forward, Castle's line at the end gives me hope that next week we'll get another baby step. But anyway, I like how we've now seen just how connected Castle is to Beckett, not only personally but professionally. The 12th is where he belongs. He works best with Beckett. Beckett is his partner.

And for most of the season I was on a rant about how Castle solves nearly everything and tends to make the others just look dumb but I love how this case was solved. Castle did have the answers, but without Beckett asking the right questions... the real killer wouldn't have been caught. I think this episode *really* brought out their
dynamics and shined the spotlight on how they play off each other. Together they are unstoppable. Apart, Castle just gets the crap beat out of him. I thought that was probably the best resolution since the episode where Beckett pretended to let Castle solve the case. That was several seasons ago... or last season? Maybe it was last season premier.

4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion 2215087486 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion 2215087486

fairytales wrote:

I wrote all that then watched the end scene again and I think my initial reaction to that end line was too hopeful. That he had a realization that he needed to confront things on a personal level with Beckett. But *now* I dont think he realized anything about Beckett's feelings. Only that he needed to get over being hurt to fight for his place at the 12th and really nothing to do with their relationship. Huh? Or was my initial reaction the right one? I just bummed myself out. Maybe we're really going to continue this snails pace.

I think your initial reaction is spot on. Rick had given up on them because of his pride and was destroying the relationship they had established because of that. What he discovered yesterday is that the adult thing to do is not to let your wounded pride and feelings of betrayal stop you from going after what you really want. Beckett might not be ready in his mind, but yesterday he came back to where he was three weeks ago. He will wait for her to be ready. He believes in them once again, which is something he had lost three weeks ago, and it is this simple belief that will make the impossible possible.

My gut tells me that the title of "Undead Again" does not just refer to the Zombies. It refers to their feelings for each other. Though I expect the episode to be on the light side, I do expect them to see in their interactions how much the person does care for the other. I believe that by the end of "Undead Again" both will have resolved that they need to talk to the other to see where the other truly stands.

@dstorm - I REALLy hope you're correct about "Undead Again." My little fear has been they go TOO light - another Heartbreak Hotel that has nothing to do with anything. IMO, the best episode that was billed as being "light" was Dial M for Mayor." That reveal about Mr. Smith during a silly sex scandal, and the way Castle & Beckett dealt with their conflict made it one of my favorite episodes of the season. I'm hopinh Undead Again is more along those lines. Very Happy
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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 4:14 pm

On a slightly different note, even as I complain about the pacing issues of this season, I feel like I need to remind myself that Marlowe is actually trying to do something that really has NOT been done on Network TV. The story he is telling is in many ways more like a movie. (Chinatown always comes to mind for me)...or an epic series of movies: Like the Original Star Wars Trilogy, or Lord of The Rings. It's really STORY BASED, but being done in a format that has so many uncontrollable variables and traditional (outdated) structural sensibilities that trying to find the balance of HOW to do it has to be nerve-wracking.

Like you said, it seems obvious that Marlowe really DOES have a plan, but his being able to execute it clearly isn't entirely up to him and Terri. I'm grateful that they have strived to tell this story in such detail at all. flower
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Little Castle

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4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitimeTue Apr 17, 2012 4:20 pm

Well it is good to know that my initial gut reaction over the end scene was the right one. I always tell myself that's the one I need to listen to. But I never listen.

I hope you're right about Undead Again. Whether or not this pacing is the right pacing or as good as they can do, I'm ready for some more forward movement. I haven't been this caught up in season 4 since the first episode :/
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PostSubject: Re: 4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion   4.21 "HEADHUNTERS" - Discussion Icon_minitime

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