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 4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews

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PostSubject: 4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews   4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews Icon_minitimeMon Apr 30, 2012 8:13 pm

Post reviews and ratings here! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: 4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews   4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 12:15 pm

CliqueClack posts a solid review, one that really talks about what makes Castle so fab - and what COULD be it's down fall...
Quote :
For a show that could be seen as a simple crime procedural, Castle’s heart is pure gold. Castle’s relationship with his partner, his daughter and his mother separate this show from similar fare. What it does share with the competition, though, is the will they/won’t they question. I’ve been supporting the way Castle has played this particular story for several years. Next week, however, will be the big “put up or shut up” moment in the history of that question.

There are many shows on television today with a wonderful dynamic between the leads, where the subtext is an integral part of defining their relationships. Most times, when the subtext graduates to actual text, the dialogue can get corny. But when Castle and Beckett had the conversation that was ostensibly about the victim – but we all knew was truly about themselves – things weren’t corny. These two’s relationship simply works on a basic level. Showrunner Andrew Marlowe has done a great job building the tension between the two all season long...
cool Check out the rest of the article HERE!
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PostSubject: Re: 4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews   4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 1:04 pm

Here's a thorough recap and review from Buddy TV! It's a fun read!

Quote :
This week on Castle, zombies walk among us! Well, not actual zombies, but people dressed as zombies anyway. It's less exciting but more hygienic! As Beckett and Castle get to the bottom of the case of the zombie murder, they also start delving into the state of their relationship.

Leave it to Castle to have Beckett and Castle hash out their feelings for each other without ever directly saying they have feelings for each other in an episode about zombies. Castle has always loved to tap into the zeitgeist with its cases of the week and this week is no different. Frankly, considering how Nathan Fillion is a geek god and everyone loves zombies, I'm surprised it took them this long to get to the brain-eaters.

While the case is fun, the real heart of the episode lies in the Beckett and Castle partnership. As always, those two are dancing around each other. Neither will just come out and utter those three little words they both obviously feel. (And no, those words are not "I want brains," we're off the zombie thing right now!) They're getting closer than ever, however, to finally being on the same page at the same time, and that's pretty exciting for everyone who loves themselves a little Caskett...
Check out the rest at: - and don't forget, you can leave a comment! Very Happy

Last edited by Beckstle on Tue May 01, 2012 1:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Tag)
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PostSubject: Re: 4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews   4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 2:32 pm

Here's the review from TVFanatic:
Quote :
April 30th, 2012 11:29 PM by Courtney Morrison

Well, that was fun. Castle aired "Undead Again," the second to last episode of Season Four, this week and the outing consisted of breakthroughs, decisions and zombies. Let’s discuss.

Undead? This week’s case focused on an attack by a zombie. Going into this episode and having ready the description, I was a little hesitant. The idea seemed a little far fetched, even for Castle, but I was so wrong. The episode was light hearted and fun, just the way we like this series....
You can read the rest at: Don't forget to check back into in the "Today's Castle" thread for the Sticky "RoundTable" discussion. 4.22 "UNDEAD AGAIN" ratings & reviews 1357399748

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