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 EW interview with Stana Katic on Castle's finale

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Uniform Cop
Uniform Cop

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EW interview with Stana Katic on Castle's finale Empty
PostSubject: EW interview with Stana Katic on Castle's finale   EW interview with Stana Katic on Castle's finale Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 5:20 pm

Quote :
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: This season finale felt perfect for the journey we’ve been through this season. Did you see it kind of the same way?
STANA KATIC: Yeah, I loved it. I felt like if we waited any longer it would be untrue to the characters. They’ve gone through a lot together, a lot of really great moments and a lot of really scary journeys together. I think waiting any longer would have been unfair and dishonest. So I think [creator Andrew Marlowe] did a really great job bringing those two characters finally to a point of complete honesty with each other.


Quote :
When you saw that Beckett was going to quit, what went through your head?
‘Badass.’ Because everything that she served [and] everything that she has fought for doesn’t have the same meaning at that point. She gave her all to that job, and to be put into question in that way, I feel like a character in that moment, they have a moment of clarity and perspective that difficult to see, like ‘This is what is really important in life.’ In that moment, it was Castle. That’s the only thing that’s important. Even her job as a detective didn’t matter. Finding justice for her mom’s murder didn’t matter. It’s finally just about living life and enjoying the gift that it is.
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EW interview with Stana Katic on Castle's finale
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