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 WHAT is the Pancake Project?

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Posts : 1026
Join date : 2011-04-29
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: WHAT is the Pancake Project?   WHAT is the Pancake Project? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 06, 2012 11:51 pm

A few weeks ago I jokingly put out on Twitter that it would be great if we could send the casting crew pancakes the day after the premiere. After all, Castle is the show that decreed pancakes are what somebody deserves for a great night!

To my surprise, last week I got a tweet from castle fan @Ninangel59 saying she found a way to deliver pancakes to the set! Hence, "THE PANCAKE PROJECT."

The cost of sending 102 pancakes to the casting crew is 300 dollars. This will include the delivery of a poster-sized thank you card. To cover the cost of pulling this off @dtreker (Ang from the castle ) is designing the card. The outside will simply say "THANK YOU..." but it will open up to become a giant poster! (About 3' x 2') The text inside is ...CASTLE (The logo) For a great night and for ALWAYS. Sincerely, The Castle fandom - with special thanks from..." which will lead into the border of photos. The border of the poster will have the names and pictures of everyone who donates. THIS ISN'T the card but it will be along the lines of this:

Because of size constraints we figured out it was 40 slots around the perimeter. So there are 20 slots at 5 dollars a piece and 20 Slots at $10. The 10 dollars get you a 160 characters message that you can you have with your name and picture.

We've got two weeks to pull this off, so it will be first come, first serve. The donation page will automatically shut down at $300. Also all pictures and messages should be sent to: They need to be in by SEPTEMBER 18th or your picture space will be a Smiley face and your message will be "Thank you Castle! I loved it!"

You can donate using any major credit card - international cards, too!

I KNOW this fandom can do this! The journalists who've been lucky enough to pre-screen it (WANT THAT JOB! Very Happy) have all loved it, MORE than loved it. The general consensus is that, as Always, Castle has raised the bar on broadcast tv. Sadly, the the Television Academy is in love with cable, so the least we can do is buy breakfast for the amazing people who bring us SO MANY great Monday nights. Very Happy Always was SO epic, and Judging by some of the spoilers ( if you are spoiler-free, don't worry. I'm not going say what those spoilers are) we are definitely going to have a great night on September 24th - as ALWAYS! Happy

Last edited by Beckstle on Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:07 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed link)
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WHAT is the Pancake Project? Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHAT is the Pancake Project?   WHAT is the Pancake Project? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 07, 2012 8:36 pm

I tried to donate and then it said that the payment failed so I looked at my bank account online and it says pending, what do I do?
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Posts : 1026
Join date : 2011-04-29
Location : NYC

WHAT is the Pancake Project? Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHAT is the Pancake Project?   WHAT is the Pancake Project? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 07, 2012 9:48 pm

tsquared wrote:
I tried to donate and then it said that the payment failed so I looked at my bank account online and it says pending, what do I do?
There are several things pending on the site. So long as the money is in your bank it should be fine. If you PM. me your name I can check to see if yours is being held. Smile

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WHAT is the Pancake Project? Empty
PostSubject: Re: WHAT is the Pancake Project?   WHAT is the Pancake Project? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 11, 2012 3:16 pm

I figured it out, thank you!
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WHAT is the Pancake Project? Empty
PostSubject: Why do I have to live in freaking Narnia!?    WHAT is the Pancake Project? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 12, 2012 2:51 am

Unfortunately I do not have a credit card, and for some reason it won't accept my bank card from the Netherlands.. Sad

any idea how I can still donate?


(email: jjb206
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PostSubject: Re: WHAT is the Pancake Project?   WHAT is the Pancake Project? Icon_minitime

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