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 Zap2it interviews Stana Katic of Castle

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Uniform Cop
Uniform Cop

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Zap2it interviews Stana Katic of Castle Empty
PostSubject: Zap2it interviews Stana Katic of Castle   Zap2it interviews Stana Katic of Castle Icon_minitimeSat Sep 22, 2012 1:59 am

'Castle's' Stana Katic: Castle and Beckett's sex is 'phenomenal'!

In case you missed the memo, Beckett and Castle (Nathan Fillion) are a full-on couple following their passionate hookup.

So naturally, our first question to Stana was, "How's the sex?"

"Phenomenal!" she replied. "Could not be any less than phenomenal."
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Zap2it interviews Stana Katic of Castle
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