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 05.02 "CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MURDER" - discussion

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05.02 "CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MURDER" - discussion Empty
PostSubject: 05.02 "CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MURDER" - discussion   05.02 "CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MURDER" - discussion Icon_minitimeWed Oct 03, 2012 1:58 pm

What'd ya think? I thought it was :
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Uniform Cop
Uniform Cop

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Join date : 2011-05-25

05.02 "CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MURDER" - discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 05.02 "CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MURDER" - discussion   05.02 "CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MURDER" - discussion Icon_minitimeMon Oct 22, 2012 3:44 pm

Good News. With DVR ratings, Castle gained 3.508M viewers from DVR which made it the 5th biggest gainer in viewers, and it pickup a full point on the demo to bring it to 2.9

Rank Program Net Live+SD Live+7 Increase %
1 REVOLUTION NBC 8317 12793 4476 53.8%
2 Big Bang Theory, THE CBS 15176 18991 3815 25.1%
3 NCIS CBS 18867 22559 3692 19.6%
4 ELEMENTARY CBS 11128 14678 3550 31.9%
5 CASTLE ABC 10348 13856 3508 33.9%

CASTLE ABC 1.9 2.9 1.0 53%
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05.02 "CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MURDER" - discussion
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