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 EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale!

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EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale! Empty
PostSubject: EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale!   EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale! Icon_minitimeThu May 26, 2011 2:56 pm

The season's best and worst. of A LOT of things! Bestst Kiss, best fight (physical OR verbal). It's a LONG list! Let's make sure Castle is listed for the GOOD stuff!
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EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale!   EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale! Icon_minitimeThu May 26, 2011 5:15 pm

So here's what I voted:

Best Death: Montgomery on Castle

Best Overall Ending to an Otherwise Crappy Season: Bones. They definitely moved up a level in the Inferno they've created.

Best Romantic Cliffhanger:Castle (Did she hear him!?)

Best Non-Romantic Cliffhanger:
Castle Yes, it's a Caskett ending, but also, WHO fired the shot, and WHAT THE HELL just happened this hour?

Best Kiss: Finn & Rachel on Glee - Cuz I loved season 1.

Best Fight (Verbal or Physical):
Verbal - Castle & Beckett, "We kiss, but we don't talk about it" scene. Emotionally - MY GOD!

Physical: PAINTBALL (Community)- WHOO HOO, talk about WAR!

Top Tissue Moment (Single tear or sobfest):

Sobfest: Castle, When she forgives Montgomery and then Castle drags her away, knowing Montgomery gonna go down.

Single tear: Castle. When Ryan and Eposito realize Montgomery's the third cop.

Single Most Clever Twist: Montgomery as the third cop. It didn't really occur to me he could have been one of the 'bad' guys until the episode was airing. Like, I figured he was gonna die, but the way he did, protecting Beckett, yet as one of the men responsible for her mom's death. Did NOT see it until until it happened.

Single Weakest Twist: Brennan is pregnant.(It COULD have been interesting, but the way it's been done - YAWN)

Funniest Half Hour (or hour, if supersized):COMMUNITY - PAINTBALL

Single Funniest Moment: Community: "THIS IS PAINTBALL"

Most Rewound Moment: Knockout - the entire episode! Okay, I'll say the Beckett gets shot, "I love you" moment.

Most Likely to Earn Someone an Emmy (list show and actor): CASTLE:
Stana Katic & Nathan Fillion for that fight scene. Jon Huertas for his reaction to finding out about Montgomery. And RUBEN SANTIAGO-HUDSON for EVERYTHING he did in that episode. AMAZING shades of Gray.

Most Likely to Stay on My DVR the Longest: CASTLE!

SPECIAL AWARD: Biggest Regret That I Didn’t See It, I Just Heard or Read About It: Franks death on NCIS

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Little Castle

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Age : 41
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EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale!   EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale! Icon_minitimeFri May 27, 2011 7:06 pm

OMG I AM GONNA DIE! How did that happen... it posted my whole name with it!!! :sobs:: To top it off I hit the "email alert" thinking it'd only send me replied to people who replied specifically to me... but nooooo I now get updates of every post. :rolf:

Best Death: Montgomery on Castle

Best Fight (Verbal or Physical): Castle and Becket "I know you hide there (mother's murder), the same way you hide in these nowhere relationships with men you don't love!"

Best Romantic Cliffhanger: Castle- "I love you"

Best Non-Romantic Cliffhanger: Castle- Beckett getting shot

Single Weakest Twist: Bones- Brennan is pregnant

Single Funniest Moment: Bones- Brennan being pregnant. This series can't get any worse. MIght as well laugh about it!

Most Disturbing Image: Bones- Brennan is now a pregnant consolation prize

Most Rewound Moment: Castle: Knockout- The verbal fight, the hanger scene when Castle drags Kate away, the talk with his mother and the ending. That episode was amazing.

Most Likely to Earn Someone an Emmy (list show and actor): Castle: Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion

Most Likely to Stay on My DVR the Longest: Castle (if I had DVR)

SPECIAL AWARD: Biggest Regret That I Didn’t See It, I Just Heard or Read About It: NCIS Mike Franks Death. I stopped watching the show because it got boring but I'm sad the character passed on.

SPECIAL AWARD: Your Penultimate Episode Was Better Than Your Finale. Weird.: NCIS. The finale was such a let down... after all the hype around Ziva it ended up being more about that stupid new agent that I quit watching the series over. Huge Yawn.
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EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale! Empty
PostSubject: Re: EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale!   EW is taking nominations for this season's best finale! Icon_minitime

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