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 Guidelines for Watching Castle

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Posts : 3
Join date : 2013-03-22
Location : Laurel, MD, USA

Guidelines for Watching Castle Empty
PostSubject: Guidelines for Watching Castle   Guidelines for Watching Castle Icon_minitimeSat Apr 20, 2013 5:20 pm

You can watch Castle to cheer on the characters and enjoy the results of each episode or you can look at the information provided to viewers each week, and long term, and determine for yourself, prior to each episode, what you believe is going to happen. The following guidelines have been developed to assist viewers in understanding what is going on in the program and to better aid them in developing confidence in their program understanding:

1. Believe in AWM and his plan for the series. Always think BIG PICTURE.
2. Realize that we are on a long journey across the country (series), not just trying to get through one round-a-bout (episode) and that there will be many bumps and curves along the journey.
3. Look at spoilers about upcoming storylines with an open mind. If not originated directly from a cast or crew member or from a reliable source (TV Guide, TV Line, GMMR, to name a few), air on the side of skepticism.
4. When viewing a promo, don’t jump to conclusions about two seconds of it until you’ve viewed the entire scene or episode.
5. When expressing an opinion, use your words wisely. Try not to leave any room for misinterpretation. There are many perceptive people in the Castle fandom and they will call you out, then try to help you out.
6. Like with any subject, you can always learn something. Keep an open mind to all possibilities.
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Guidelines for Watching Castle
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