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 E.W.'s Season Finale Poll Results are IN! Did We Castle It Up?

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E.W.'s Season Finale Poll Results are IN!  Did We Castle It Up? Empty
PostSubject: E.W.'s Season Finale Poll Results are IN! Did We Castle It Up?   E.W.'s Season Finale Poll Results are IN!  Did We Castle It Up? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 01, 2011 3:32 am

Well the results came in on May 31st, around 6:15pm EST, and I would say, YES, WE DID! If you'd like the full list, here's the link:
EW's Season Finale Poll Winners

Below are all the winning Castle numbers:

BEST DEATH: At 19% of the vote Castle placed second for the death of Montgomery.

BEST ROMANTIC CLIFFHANGER: Castle placed second with 20% of the vote.

BEST FIGHT (Verbal or Physical): With 19% of the vote, CASTLE took second for the fight between Castle & Beckett, AND Castle also took fifth with 9% voting for the fight between Ryan & Esposito. I don't know, Community took first place with 20% - for the entire episode. Since Castle had two SCENES that added up to 29% voting essentially for CASTLE....

SINGLE MOST CLEVER TWIST: Here Castle took fifth for Montgomery as the third cop - 8% of the vote. However, EW chose to point out that Beckett gettting shot missed being fifth by 23 votes, percentage-wise that's probably another 8%, or low-ball it to 7%. That's STILL 15-16% of the vote saying something is great about Castle.

MOST DISTURBING IMAGE: Third place, Castle, for Lockwood with the teddy bear. Percentage of the vote - 10%.

MOST REWOUND MOMENT: Castle saying I love you, third place @ ARD: 12%.

MOST LIKELY TO STAY ON MY DVR THE LONGEST: Castle, second place with 18% of the vote.

SPECIAL AWARD: Biggest Regret That I Didn't See It, I Just Heard or Read About It The Oprah Winfrey Show - Castle with 12%.

So, Castle didn't come home with the gold, but the show did take alot of silver. Out of the twelve nominations Castle placed in the top five for NINE OF THEM, including four in second place. In terms of what this kind of poll is about, coming in second is pretty damn good!

What kind of poll is it? Well, Entertainment Weekly is a huge mainstream on-line presence. (They got 718,838 thousand votes cast nearly three quarters of a million votes.) I believe a poll like this gives a bit more color to the Nielsen ratings, and helps guide media outlets, and network exec about how their shows are really doing.

For instance, Vampire Diaries won just about every catagory they were nominated in, with a mean average of about 30% of each catagory's total votes. However, the VD's 18-49 NIELSEN average for the season (don't even SAY it, we're taking about a TV show) is only 1.4 - and sits near the bottom of the ratings heap. Meanwhile, the show Bones is tied for number #26 for the season with a 3.5 (Nielsen Ratings are from )

Without getting all Nielsen ratings crazy, what those numbers mean is that Bones has three times the number of viewers (within the 18-49 demographic) than Vampire Diaries. However, when you mix in a poll like this one, apparently Bones viewers aren't as enthusiatic about the show as the smaller group of VD fans: the show got far fewer nominations, and about half of the nominations they got weren't that flatterring. So, in terms of media coverage Vampire Diaries looks like it would pull more attention to a magazine or on-line venue than Bones.

However, Castle came out with a 2.9 Nielsen for the season, which I'm guessing places it at about 40-45 in the season round-up list(which is like 110 shows) Pair that with the high nominations Castle got, along with the nine top five places it recieved, and its running an average of about 18% of the vote in each category it was nominated in and I think Castle comes off as the strongest show in the poll.

Agree? Disagree? Have your own take on the poll numbers? Post your thoughts in the thread. sunny
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Little Castle

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E.W.'s Season Finale Poll Results are IN!  Did We Castle It Up? Empty
PostSubject: Re: E.W.'s Season Finale Poll Results are IN! Did We Castle It Up?   E.W.'s Season Finale Poll Results are IN!  Did We Castle It Up? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 01, 2011 3:36 pm

sign I can't contain it... I tried, I really did.... how did Bones even place in the worst finale to an otherwise solid season? SOLID???? Ok. Whatever you say. I mean I know it is a bad category to place in but solid? They should have had a Worst Ending to an Already Crappy season award. I am also sad to see that some thought the writers were brilliant at making a character pregnant. Like that was a stroke of genius or anything.

I love that Castle placed twice for Best Fight though Wink
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