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 Entertainment Monthly talks to Terri Miller

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Entertainment Monthly talks to Terri Miller Empty
PostSubject: Entertainment Monthly talks to Terri Miller   Entertainment Monthly talks to Terri Miller Icon_minitimeWed Jan 22, 2014 4:29 pm

ENTERTAINMENT MONTHLY talks to Terri Edda Miller

Well into its sixth season, Castle is doing better than ever in ratings and recently won the People’s Choice Award for Favorite TV Crime Drama for the third year in a row. With its main couple getting ready to tie the knot, the show continues to succeed in bringing back its viewers.

Terri Miller, writer and current consulting producer for the show, has worked on the show alongside the showrunner, her husband Andrew Marlowe, since its inception in 2009. Miller spoke to Emertainment Monthly about the rest of the season, live-tweeting with fans, and her experience working on the show...

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