Still a work in progress...
Part Two:Personal Helicon
for Michael Longley
As a child, they could not keep me from wells
And old pumps with buckets and windlasses.
I loved the dark drop, the trapped sky, the smells
Of waterweed, fungus and dank moss.
One, in a brickyard, with a rotted board top.
I savoured the rich crash when a bucket
Plummeted down at the end of a rope.
So deep you saw no reflection in it.
A shallow one under a dry stone ditch
Fructified like any aquarium.
When you dragged out long roots from the soft mulch
A white face hovered over the bottom.
Others had echoes, gave back your own call
With a clean new music in it. And one
Was scaresome, for there, out of ferns and tall
Foxgloves, a rat slapped across my reflection.
Now, to pry into roots, to finger slime,
To stare, big-eyed Narcissus, into some spring
Is beneath all adult dignity. I rhyme
To see myself, to set the darkness echoing.
Seamus Heaney
Now we delve into the numerous pre-season five interviews, into season five itself and to the first rumblings about the close of the season.
I’m going to look at some of the comments on the way in which the new Caskett relationship will affect Beckett and include Castle in this analysis.
Kate Beckett is Castle’s muse. AS such, both Andrew Marlowe, and most of the Castle fandom, tend to shift focus toward her character. We have seen evidence and heard interviews about Beckett running away from things (we established this in part one) Kate Beckett has walls she hides behind.
Nathan Fillion says of the Caskett relationship.
“These two characters getting together? It’s not gonna solve a lot of problems. If anything it’s going to create more problems. Certainly these two characters are gonna be the same people they were before they entered into a relationship. He is still gonna be a pain in the butt, she is gonna be maybe a little emotionally unavailable and maybe a little tense about being in a relationship” [1]
“Emotionally unavailable” is NOT only a Beckett character flaw.
Castle runs from things in a different way. He covers things up, puts spin on his past and, like his mother, acts out the role of “Richard Castle” he expects the world to see.
Andrew Marlowe said on the season one DVD commentary,
“With Castle everybody kind of knows the same guy, you know, what you see is what you get. She [Beckett] is much more guarded and I think she has a lot going on under the surface” [2]
Castle has a lot going on under the surface. Indeed, in a later interview from March 2013 Andrew Marlowe states,
“He tends to live life on the surface, but we know there’s more to him than that.” [3]
More to Castle? I never doubted it for a second.
In a pre-Season 5 interview, Andrew Marlowe says,
"The new relationships that we’re dealing with this year will allow us to really open up her character in a way that we haven’t been able to, because we’ve always been perceiving it through Castle’s eyes." [4]
Therein lies the problem. For if it is Beckett through Castle's eyes, it is also Castle through Castle's eyes. I would argue that we need to see Castle through Beckett's eyes, have Beckett become privy to some of the information we (the viewers) have learned about Castle.
Andrew Marlowe goes on to say,
"She [Beckett] is very guarded in situations and she chooses what to reveal about herself." [4]
What do we know about Richard Castle?
"I think that there are skeletons in both Rick and Kate's closet." Andrew Marlowe [4]
It remains a mystery (ha!) why Castle chose the murder mystery genre for his writing. It is clear that he has always loved the escapism of reading, the opportunity of losing yourself in a book.
Castle mentions the New York Public Library throughout the seasons...
Castle: "Speedreader. Something I picked up from my years stranded in the New York Public Library."[5]
Castle: "For the New York Public Library, my first love? Anything."[6]
Hunt: "When you were about ten years old. Your mother took you to the library, you were looking for a book and I gave you a copy of –
Castle: "Casino Royale." [7]
It seems that the library and the books within its walls were some kind of refuge for the young Rick. It could also have fueled his imagination and been a source of inspiration...along with television shows!
Castle (on the subject of nannies): "...Completely irresponsible middle-aged women who, instead of looking after me while you were acting, like they were supposed to, instead watched daytime television...Actually, I got the plot of my first novel by watching One Life To Loose."[8]
The lure of the story, the plot, has always been there. It seems that Castle would always be a writer. But he states that,
"[Damien Westlake] said to me, 'Ricky, you have a great talent' and no one had ever said anything like that to me before. Without Damien Weestlake I'm a lawyer, I'm a grifter, I'm a rodeo clown but I'm not a writer. Without him...I'm not me."[9]
I'd argue that he would have been a writer. He might not have been published, he may only have written for himself but Castle makes sense of the world through his writing. Castle is SO ready to believe in people (Damien Westlake and Sophia Turner are two classic examples) and he is disappointed to discover they are less than who he thought they were, who he imagined them to be. They are not the heroes of literature, they have feet of clay. Castle needs someone to believe in him and have faith in him...
Kate Beckett: "Richard Castle believes in you, and I believe in him."[9]
Kate Beckett: "You should have seen him Lanie. He looked like a little boy, he was so scared. I know him Lanie. He is an immature, egotistical, self-centered jackass sometimes but he is not this" [10]
And THAT, right THERE is Castle through Beckett's eyes. That is Kate seeing beyond the Castle front. Is it because she is looking harder, because he is letting his guard down, or a combination of the two?
2. Castle Season one 1x05 DVD commentary
3. 4. Castle episode 1x05 "A Chill Goes Through Her Veins"
6. Castle episode 4x12 "Dial M for Mayor"
7. Castle episode 5x16 "Hunt"
8. Castle episode 1x02 "Nanny McDead"
9. Castle episode 3x15 "The Final Nail"
10. Castle episode 5x05 "Probable Cause"