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 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics

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PostSubject: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSat Sep 20, 2014 8:26 pm

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeTue Sep 30, 2014 3:42 pm

@AndrewBikichky: The burned out car interior rigged with propane bars by SFX Dept Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeTue Sep 30, 2014 7:21 pm

@AndrewWMarlowe live tweets

Where's #Castle ?

The plot thickens!

OMG. No way!!! It can't be!

“@ashleymj2: @AndrewWMarlowe Castle WHAT ARE U DOING?!??” Stay tuned! Always more than meets the eye

@DaraCreasey wants to know if she has anything stuck in her teeth 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Byv0lhIIgAEEsBC

You fight, K-Bex. You know the truth!


I'm guessing that it was supposed to be a "three hour tour?"

“@CaskettShipper: @AndrewWMarlowe Can you guess the episode? "And now… I own a boat!"” Johnny Vong! Suckerpunch!

Commercials are strange. But they keep us employed

This guy Jenkins seems sketchy.

Maybe he went to... Tahiti?

“@swagner812: Hey, While I thoroughly enjoyed the #CastleSeason7Premiere, I miss the murder. Good, old fashioned, murder.” Coming soon!

“@Kaileesee: One last comment on the ep: THE SCORE. wow. That music made me FEEEL. #Castle" Props to @robertduncanmx for that!

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeTue Sep 30, 2014 7:22 pm

@AndrewWMarlowe live tweets

Where's #Castle ?

The plot thickens!

OMG. No way!!! It can't be!

“@ashleymj2: @AndrewWMarlowe Castle WHAT ARE U DOING?!??” Stay tuned! Always more than meets the eye

@DaraCreasey wants to know if she has anything stuck in her teeth 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Byv0lhIIgAEEsBC

You fight, K-Bex. You know the truth!


I'm guessing that it was supposed to be a "three hour tour?"

“@CaskettShipper: @AndrewWMarlowe Can you guess the episode? "And now… I own a boat!"” Johnny Vong! Suckerpunch!

Commercials are strange. But they keep us employed

This guy Jenkins seems sketchy.

Maybe he went to... Tahiti?

“@swagner812: Hey, While I thoroughly enjoyed the #CastleSeason7Premiere, I miss the murder. Good, old fashioned, murder.” Coming soon!

“@Kaileesee: One last comment on the ep: THE SCORE. wow. That music made me FEEEL. #Castle" Props to @robertduncanmx for that!

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeTue Sep 30, 2014 7:40 pm

@TerriEdda's live tweets

Okay I'm the first one eating. @castle_writers room #Castle season premiere.

That's Antonio Sabato Jr! He was on #Castle! @castle_writers

Watch the dress!

@Jon_Huertas & @seamusdever very handsome in their tuxes

This is the first time we've all watched an episode live together. @castle_writers #Castle

I want her on my side! #Castle #BadassBeckett

RT @CastleFanaticBR: @AndrewWMarlowe @TerriEdda CAN YOU SAVE JOHANNA'S DRESS? We have a great dry cleaner. #Castle

FBI = Dicks (what!? that means detectives) #Castle

Phooey, not Castle bringing that coffee.

RT @DaraCreasey: I was there for shooting this scene. I love this guy who plays Vinnie. #Castle I think we were there together!

Uh oh.

How can it be!?! #Castle

Essposito is piiiiiiiiissssed.

Shooting this scene with Martha & Alexis & Beckett was intense!

Do you think #Castle wants to be found?


Holy smokes! #Castle

He's alive!

You do know living patients aren't my thing. @tamalajones #Castle

This coast guard guy is a good guesser! #Castle

Not smart to put bullet holes in a boat. #Castle

What other strange things did she find when she examined Castle? #Castle

#Castle doesn't seem like the camping type to me. He's more of a Four Seasons kinda guy.

What's in the bag?

Like our new hospital set? @CastleArtDept

But isn't the important thing that he remembers Beckett #Castle

Explain that Castle! #Castle

I said the same thing to @AndrewWMarlowe when he disappeared and pitched a tent.

Never trust anyone named Henry Jenkins. #Castle

A Tangled web of subterfuge and obsfucation.

Bathrobe time! #Castle

RobHanning Your tweets are forever Smile

We'll find our way home! #Castle

@MayaStojan live tweet it Maya! The fans love you. #castle

@FredBC77 @castle_writers @DaraCreasey @ajohns366 @chadgcreasey @RobHanning it was kinda fun& funny.
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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeTue Sep 30, 2014 8:05 pm

@NathanFillion's live tweets

I’m going to make it home to live tweet the premiere east coast time!! #CASTLE

I may be late.tell me what happened.

Ok! I'm here!

Espo! You can find me! Listen to Beckett! #CASTLE
7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics ByvyHN0CAAAcfdc

Penny! Captain Gates. Good kisser.

Who's THIS guy?

Who's wabna hurt little ol' Castle?

Is Espo's hair longer?

Would Vinnie hurt me?

Hey! It's Maya!

Castle?!? This crap just got REEEAL.

“@DQuackerz: @NathanFillion I knew that walk with my eyes closed. Wait..........what?
So true. I have a walk.

That day was hot as hell. Paramount lot.

“@jilliemac921: @NathanFillion WTF!?!?  Kate is gonna kick his a$$!”
Yeah. She'll prob'ly blow it out of proportion.

Wow. Did you just see Susan's face change? How wonderful was that? Honestly, I was moved just now.

Castle's starting to look like a real jerk.

See how @MollyQuinn93 had Castle's back? See that strength? That's so cool.

Patrick does all our written words on props. He's incredible. #Castle


Beckett's not giving up. She knows what to believe. #Castle

"We're gonna need a bigger boat."
- Everybody who sees a shark.

Castle's been napping all this time?

I kept that wrist band and auctioned it at #NerdHQ

Lanie's on it! @tamalajones

Whoa, Espo! Chillax. Castle is your pal. @Jon_Huertas #castle

Leroy Jenkins?

Always love watching Seamus and Jon take each other on. Reminds us how very different they are. Such talent. don't tell them I said that.

“@MollyQuinn93: DAD!! @NathanFillion

Such a beautiful spot. Not far from LA.

Get out of Castle's pants! #castle

Castle was shot while napping?

Ah! Tuxedo camping. Makes perfect sense.

Why so mad?

Castle IS pretty good at pretending.

This was the start of the heat wave in LA.

Wait, @Jon_Huertas and @seamusdever! Looks like Castle is still super good nice guy who's great.

In the feels. Thanks for hanging, guys. Did you enjoy? If yes, watch next week. If no, watch next week.
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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2014 7:30 pm

@Stana_Katic's live tweets

“@MayaStojan: Those men look pretty fantastic too @Jon_Huertas @seamusdever ! Those suits!! Well done @RedCarpetLuke” agreed. Like 007 x 2

“@seamusdever: Sky Blue Dingy drinking game coming. @Stana_Katic @Jon_Huertas” YES!!! THIS!!!

“@caskett_merder: We loved ur badass YOU ROCK! we were like this for all the episode ♡” whole cast is #badass

“@HostileActing: Sooo...when does #skybluedinghy start trending? @Jon_Huertas @seamusdever @Stana_Katic” now

“@byurcek: @Stana_Katic this is badass yeahh!
7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics BywiTxFIgAAroG0
A side note: @seamusdever is very strong... FYI.

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2014 7:48 pm

@Jon_Huertas's live tweets

Guess who's live tweeting during #Castle west coast premier 2nite! This friggin' guy! @Castle_ABC

@hellandbliss8 Yes that is true...I don't usually Live Tweet! But I'm excited about S7! Let's do this!

Javi knows what's up!

Note to self and @RedCarpetLuke - more tux-like wardrobe on #Castle

Watching our sectors! #Castle

@L_Peckham @RedCarpetLuke True! Was a sweaty mess that day at the junk yard! #Castle

@MayaStojan You #Castle live tweetin' girl?

Good thing I saved Gary Duffin with a knock at the window! #Castle

Friggin FBI! Don't the Captain know - Espo and Ryan is all you - all the pertinent info will soon be delivered by you know who

@MayaStojan #You
#are #hella #hashtagging

"Jon_Huertas Loved ur scene when u bring coffee to @Stana_Katic.. it was lovely..
7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics BywcLUgCIAASQST
7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics BywcLeICAAAFbAK
@Fanatic_nerd I did too!

"Aww @Jon_Huertas coffee wasn't so appreciated this time. Nice scene Jon & @Stana_Katic #Castle"
@cherylhe @Stana_Katic Thanks...keepin her spirits up! #Castle

Lookin good @MayaStojan - your #zooming in skillz are amazing!

@Jon_Huertas jon why did you bring her coffe!!?? WHY?
@luu_sii She was thirsty! #Castle

@CastleFreak811 You didn't see the video!? Javi is a cop first...always! And the loyalty to Beckett is unmatched! #Castle

@jill_millman Evidence doesn't lie...Do u 4get that Javi's dear friend was left standing in her wedding dress. How should Javi feel? #Castle

Beckett's in luv w/ Castle - her hope is cool but Javi watched a man who's hidden stuff before leave his very dear friend in tears...#Castle

Ah Ha!!! There he is! Now let's get some answers! #Castle

"@Jon_Huertas do you have a beckett/espo backstory in your mind?"
@Miastanatic Oh yeah!

@seamusdever @Stana_Katic I heard there were a ton of comments about that word...Dinghy! #Castle

"@Jon_Huertas how many times was dingy even said. #castle"
@L_Peckham That's after we cut a few... #Castle

"@Jon_Huertas The look on Beckett's face when Espo brought her coffee was heartbreaking. You guys acted the heck out of that scene."
@vincegfan Thanks - I love my scenes with @Stana_Katic

So you guys still having Castle's back?! #Castle

"@Jon_Huertas You doubt your boy?? #Castle"
@jill_millman Evidence doesn't lie...Do u 4get that Javi's dear friend was left standing in her wedding dress. How should Javi feel? #Castle
"@Jon_Huertas @jill_millman great way to think of it. He's always loyal to Kate 1st! And everyone can just piss off,even if its Castle."
@MusicVisionElle @jill_millman Thank you!!!! #Castle

"@Jon_Huertas I seriously wanted to hug Espo when he was pissed off at Castle. Felt the same way."
@ItsKBex Cuz someone needs to have Kate's back! #Castle

Trust that Espo will always look at the evidence...It's about being loyal to Beckett and a good cop first... #Castle

Espo foiled by an imposter!!!! #Castle Fake Jenkins...A Fenkins!!!!

@Stana_Katic @seamusdever @NathanFillion @tamalajones @MollyQuinn93 @MayaStojan @btwprod Great work on the Season & Premiere of #Castle !!!

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2014 7:55 pm

@seamusdever's live tweets

Who's watching #Castle right now?

Big sis moment

Sky Blue Dingy drinking game coming. @Stana_Katic @Jon_Huertas

"@Jon_Huertas Espo foiled by an imposter!!!! #Castle Fake Jenkins...A Fenkins!!!!" Or FJenkins. Saves so much time.

"@Jon_Huertas @seamusdever
on the right side? How is this possible? "
7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics ByzttNRIEAAKMpN
@0odi_et_amo0 @Jon_Huertas It's called a PIT maneuver.

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2014 8:08 pm

@btwprod's live tweets

#Castle is this what I am suppose to do tonight? :-)

#Castle listening to the song, then...

#Castle Cheddar and Brie with crackers

#Castle Hi All, Will try not to spoil it for the west coast:)

#Castle's on! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

#Castle Don't you just love the boys? @seamusdever @Jon_Huertas

#Castle Did you make it through the fire? Dang what a beautiful damsel

#Castle Did you make it through the fire?

#Castle I'm telling you, the first 12 minutes is pure RUSH!

#Castle Now let's slow down a bit and find our guy. Whatcha think?

#Castle It's way time to be on the same page with the team. Eh?

"Nice @btwprod !!! Wish you were here with us."
@TerriEdda I am:-)

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 1:12 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Filming the firefighters put out the flames Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 1:15 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Cameras were covered for water protection during the Singing In The Rain sequence Wink Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 1:58 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Jeans with clues Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 2:00 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Notice something different? Ep701 #Castle

7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics ByzNPG3IIAMcFY3

@AndrewBikichky: Rob Bowman had the old elevator re-dressed as a window, creating a new background for a shot Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:30 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Hansen Dam location was used for the campground Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:32 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Camera on a low-angle prism shooting into the tent as Espo and Beckett investigate Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:35 pm

@AndrewBikichky: SFX Dept with a fan to move the foliage around during the shot Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:37 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Company arrives to shoot the Fake Jenkins trailer scene Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:38 pm

@AndrewBikichky: We used a Flyswatter (Condor w/ 20x silk frame) over Jenkin's trailer to create a softer top light Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:40 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Shooting coverage on the Jenkins trailer's deck Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:42 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Oops. We forgot to disconnect the car alarm first. Ep701 #Castle

@AndrewBikichky: Tech Room returning champ @MayaStojan is back Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:44 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Shooting in the Bullpen w/ pony walls and grating removed. Grips carry in planks for the dolly Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:47 pm

@AndrewBikichky: New playback footage for the Bullpen monitors Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:48 pm

@AndrewBikichky: Hospital room set Ep701 #Castle

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PostSubject: Re: 7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics   7x01 "DRIVEN" post-ep BTS tweets & pics Icon_minitimeSun Oct 05, 2014 4:50 pm

@AndrewBikichky: The lighting setup just outside hospital window Ep701 #Castle

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