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 Vote for the Heat Rises book cover!

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Little Castle

Posts : 316
Join date : 2011-05-13
Age : 41
Location : Florida

Vote for the Heat Rises book cover! Empty
PostSubject: Vote for the Heat Rises book cover!   Vote for the Heat Rises book cover! Icon_minitimeWed Jun 29, 2011 6:59 pm

I guess this is the right spot for this? I didn't see this posted sooooo

"To thank our amazing fans (that's you), we're putting you in charge of selecting the official artwork for the "Heat Rises" e-book cover. Pick your favorite by liking and/or commenting on that individual piece. The art with the most cumulative likes/comments by Thursday, June 30 at 8:00am PT will be the winner, chosen by you! Vote as many times as you want and feel free to invite your friends."

Vote here for the book cover It is on Facebook.

I don't know which one to choose... seems like they lost their original designer because none of those looks match the ones that came before it. Nor do they really fit the series? :/ No wonder they are wanting fans to choose.... lol
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Vote for the Heat Rises book cover!
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