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 Andrew's interview with GMMR

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Uniform Cop
Uniform Cop

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Join date : 2011-05-25

Andrew's interview with GMMR Empty
PostSubject: Andrew's interview with GMMR   Andrew's interview with GMMR Icon_minitimeMon Dec 05, 2011 3:55 am

What a wonderful interview. Just reading it tells you how much care and thoughtfulness he puts into the show...

Quote :
Hm. You obviously know how the fans react whenever a possible love interest enters the mix, and most recently the show experienced that when Kristin Lehmen was cast in a small part earlier this season. Now that Castle has expressed that he loves Beckett and she heard his confession, are outside love interests a thing of the past for them? Or do you see the potential for a third party to come into the mix and give one of them a run for their money?
AM: Well, if we were to do that, it would have to be significant, and it would not be something that we would do flippantly. But currently, we do not have those plans. And we’re currently planning the back half of the season, and that’s not something we’re looking at. We feel that there’s so much complication in the relationship right now and there’s so many things going on beneath the surface that that’s not necessary.

Now, can somebody come in and knock the balance off? Sure. But if we were going to look at that, it would have to be in a really intriguing way, in a way we haven’t done before on the show because we don’t want to go to the same well. We think the Gina well is dry, we think the Josh well is dry. It’s not just having another person mess with the equilibrium.
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