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 Pre Season EIGHT Theories - WITH SPOILERS

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Pre Season EIGHT Theories - WITH SPOILERS Empty
PostSubject: Pre Season EIGHT Theories - WITH SPOILERS   Pre Season EIGHT Theories - WITH SPOILERS Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2015 12:03 am

After the season seven finale "Hollander's Wood's"  The speculation about what season 8 would be about was rampant!  Is Beckett going to run for state senate,  become the new precinct captain, have a baby....   The spoilers over the summer have many leaning towards Beckett becoming the new 12th Precinct Captain - especially since Penny Johnson Jerald was let go from the show. Crying or Very sad

We already know the premiere is going to be a two-parter, the first from Castle's point of view, the second from Beckett.  The thing is, it's all being built around some big "event" and it's going to go back into Castle's disappearance.  Suspect .  I've heard all sorts of ideas, from Beckett being pregnant to Castle and Beckett splitting up! What direction do you think the show is going?   Pre Season EIGHT Theories - WITH SPOILERS 1342192481

This thread can use SPOILERS and if you aren't sure you're up on all of them, check out the C.O.H. spoiler board.  It's always got the latest ones.  happy
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PostSubject: Re: Pre Season EIGHT Theories - WITH SPOILERS   Pre Season EIGHT Theories - WITH SPOILERS Icon_minitimeFri Jul 31, 2015 3:14 pm

Okay, based on the latest spoiler I'm feeling a bit cheerier.

TVLine wrote:
"Private Practice alum Ann Cusack has landed a provocative guest-starring role in Castle‘s Season 8 premiere. TVLine has learned exclusively that the actress will appear in the second half of the two-part season opener as Rita, a member of a top-secret organization who drops into Beckett’s life with a unique set of skills… and an unexpected connection to Castle.

What if we're looking at spies & terrorism - with a mob money tie-in being run through NYC. Beckett (and Castle ) end up being tapped to head up a task force? That would be a perfect fit for Beckett - much better than a precinct captain or senator - and it would keep Castle working with her! The international end would be why they brought in Toks.  They let go of Captain Gates because Beckett did become Captain, but by the end of the two-parter she won't be anymore.  She'll be heading up this task force and out of the 12th. Beckett brings Ryan and Esposito in onto the task force team.  (That would solve Ryan's money issues and Espo already has a special forces background.) This would also explain needing a new tech analyst as well - a high tech specialist. happy The mob tie in would let them work on cases in New York.

As for the kidnapping, what if Castle’s father has gone rouge – like terrorism rouge, and that’s why he was kidnapped? They set up the false marriage license for Beckett to separate her from him. (Let’s face it, they'd never have gotten him with her around and those two were glued to each other at that point). The reason for the kidnapping? They needed to use him as a bargaining chip. Ann Cusack is Castle's Aunt and works for the organization looking for his father. She's looks like she could be related to Brolin (actor who plays Rick's dad) - and to Castle.  What do you think? Very Happy
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