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 CTV interview with Stana Katic

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CTV interview with Stana Katic Empty
PostSubject: CTV interview with Stana Katic   CTV interview with Stana Katic Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 7:10 pm

Read the entire thing HERE

Stana talks about the difficulty of Beckett having to lie to Castle whilst at the same time show that she cares about him.

Loved this line though:

I hate these shows that wait for seven years to get their characters to get together and then suddenly the season finale is some stupid wedding episode,” she says with a laugh.

“Maybe it’s my naïve romantic side that believes people in a relationship are still interesting and there’s still conflict and there’s still risks… so I think there’s a lot of opportunity even if the two characters were to get together.”

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